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DJ Estaloca (Roy van Schie) is zowel in Katwijk als ook in de hardstyle geen onbekende naam meer. Hij is al ruim 18 jaar actief als dj en heeft zijn dj skills ontwikkeld in Scum Katwijk en vanuit daar zijn dj carriëre. Naast meerdere releases op diverse labels in het binnen en buitenland heeft hij onder zijn voormalige alias ‘Beat Providers’ op o.a. Defqon1, Q-Base en andere grote Q-Dance events gedraaid. Tegenwoordig is hij actief onder de naam Estaloca.

DJ sets van Estaloca staan garant voor 100% energie, strak mixwerk en een wervelstorm aan zoveel mogelijk harder styles klappers, van melodieus en euforisch tot keihard sloopwerk!

English Bio
Estaloca a.k.a. Roy van Schie started his dj career in 2000. At the very beginning of his musical journey he started the old school way with vinyl, playing various kinds of harder styles like hard techno, (early)hardcore and early hardstyle. When hardstyle started to grow bigger and bigger, he decided to stick with the genre. Apart from playing hardstyle he also started producing hardstyle music in 2005.

In 2008, Roy decided to team up and the formally well-known duo ‘Beat Providers’ was born. From that moment on several releases were produced, among which ‘Darkest Dreams’, the famous remix of ‘Luna meets Trilok & Chiren – Street Knowledge’ and of course ‘Intensive Care’ on the mighty A² Records label! As being 50% of Beat Providers, Roy performed at numerous Q-dance events like Defqon1, Q-Base festival, X-Qlusive Holland, Qountdown and last but not least at ‘De Q-dance Feestfabriek in the Amsterdam ArenA in 2010.

In 2011 unfortunately the Beat Providers act came to an end. From that moment on Roy decided to focus more on producing music while performing at local events. Furthermore, he successfully started coaching talent and learning young dj’s the skills of dj’ing, performing and producing music by sharing his experience and knowledge. Apart from that he has been mixing numerous harder styles compilations for Armada’s sublabel Cloud9Music for over six years now, and also developed his own hardstyle event ‘Quake’.

Nowadays, apart from (ghost)producing music, Estaloca’s performance on stage is all about raising the bar to a maximum level, challenging himself over and over to blow every crowd away with highly energetic and fully loaded dj sets!

Meer Estaloca