Cic3ro’s Hardstyle Fundamentals Podcast – #4
Luister naar de vierde Hardstyle Fundamentals Podcast van Cic3ro. Maandelijks een nieuwe Hardstyle Podcast met de vetste Hardstyle tracks van de maand. Dus hou zijn Youtube – kanaal goed in de gaten!
Yo guys,
Episode #4 of ‘Hardstyle Fundamentals’ is online NOW!
This months Fundamental Classic track is: JDX Ft. Sarah Maria – Live The Moment and the Future Fundamental track is Retrospect & @MC Coppa – Amplify
Besides that, this episode contains hardstyle bombs by
Stormerz, Denza & Proto Bytez, Noisecontrollers, Frontliner, LNY TNZ & Da Tweekaz, Sound Rush, DJ Isaac, Coone, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Atmozfears & Jesse Jax, Hard Driver, Requiem, Aftershock, Gunz for Hire , Regain & Bloodlust, Warface & Rebelion, Riot Shift and Sefa
Enjoy this months episode, play it LOUD, let me know what yout think and definately tell me which track(s) you would like to hear in the next episode of Hardstyle Fundamentals! Drop those comments and don’t forget to like & share!
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